01273 325667

fast and friendly, professional print


All our wide format posters are UV stable (non-fade) and waterproof; paper-based budget/premium/photo posters are for indoor use; solvent-ink vinyl posters for outdoor.  They can be up to 1400mm    width by any length!

BUDGET  - 160g matt simple, cost effective heavyweight paper

PREMIUM  - 180g satin semi-gloss paper for more vibrant colours

PHOTO  - 190g gloss paper for a photo-realistic gloss poster effect

VINYL  - waterproof untearable, poster and banner media

We generally need 24 hours notice for large posters
(a fast-track service available at a premium cost).




Posters can be mounted on either 5mm Foam-X  or 4mm Forex pvc board - both are rigid, lightweight substrates, which are designed to provide a perfect display platform for your marketing material.

Foam-X, whilst thicker, is a lighter material; Forex provides enhanced fire-retardant properties perhaps necessary for venues with more stringent regulations.


The Printhouse

26-28 St. John's Road, Hove, East Sussex  BN3 2FB

Tel:  01273 325667   Fax:  01273 820775


NB:  all prices shown are subject to VAT at the current rate.
Copyright 2014 The Printhouse.  All rights reserved.